Remote Tools for Visual Studio 2015 (ARM) - (Japanese)


SHA1 hash 90a26c7ec4599208c15dd72df951fd4962a336af
File size 21 MB
Date posted 2015-09-16 16:54
Language Japanese
SHA1 hash
File size
21 MB
Date posted
2015-09-16 16:54


The Remote Tools are intended for computers that don't have Visual Studio so that you can debug, test, and profile apps that are executing on them. Visual Studio must be installed on the development computer that's connected to, or uses the data collected from, the remote computer. Connecting to the remote debugger and profiler that are included in the Remote Tools for Visual Studio 2015 RC is supported in Visual Studio Ultimate 2015 RC.

VS Release Notes
TFS Release Notes
VS Known Issues
System Requirements